Month: September 2014

  • Done: Trumpeter 1/48 F-100D Super Sabre

    To me the Super Sabre was always one of those aircraft that just “looked cool” – especially in its Vietnam SEA colors. The old Monogram kit was – at least at that time – no option to me. I just could not see myself engraving all those panel lines. So I went for the Trumpeter…

  • Done: Eduard 1/48 P-400 Airacobra

    There is something Eduard’s really nice “Weekend Edition” taught me – I am a slow modeller. After that long-ish Skyhawk build (and in the middle of dealing with Trumpeter’s Super Sabre) I became curious to see if I could pull off something like a quick build. Ok, in the end it did not take me…

  • Done: Hasegawa 1/48 A-4M Skyhawk

    So this one took quite a while. Not so much because of the kit itself, but because I wanted to do a step-by-step photo documentation with this build. I found out it is not that easy to take pictures of all the steps, not forgetting about important milestones and keeping the “flow” of the build…

  • Done: Hobby Boss 1/48 F3H-2 Demon

    Almost OOB, just added a Quick Boost seat. Pretty happy with how the pre-shading came out.

  • Done: Academy 1/48 F-4B Phantom II

    I guess there have already been written a couple of lines about the Phantom… so here’s just the facts of that build: Almost OOB, seats from Pavla (not satisfied, too many bubbles, somehow undefined details), some cockpit details and wiring scratch, Gunze acrylics and Model Master Metalizer, kit decals. Almost three hundred of them… I…